Pathan starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham is undoubtedly one of the most awaited films ever in Bollywood. Even before its announcement, since word had just started doing the rounds about Pathan, the spy-thriller has been making waves and grabbing headlines, with the audience lapping up every small bit of information they can come across about it. Well, if you’re among those scores of panting movie-buffs who are finding the wait for any new development on Pathan unbearable, then we are here to mitigate your impatience. A well-placed source within the industry has exclusively apprised that Pathan, which was expected by the trade and within Bollywood circles to release this Diwali, may not hit the big screen during the festival as the work pending of the movie might just demand a rethink of its planned release.
In other words, producer Aditya Chopra and Director Siddharth Anand, are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that the film, which also stars Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham, surpasses all expectations, and that involves canning a lot of high-octane actions sequences in exotic locales, involving copious stunt work and high-end VFX, all of which is taking time. So, if that means that Pathan’s rumoured Diwali release gets pushed ahead (probably to another big festival weekend), then so be it, as long all those involved are thoroughly satisfied with the final product and the audience walks out of cinema halls beaming from ear to ear.